Monday, March 20, 2006

Jobs for the boys and girls

Elections time and "everyone gets a job". What am I called to be? Student President sounds grand but what does it mean and is it a bit much for someone new to the College? There is a popular candidate. Meeting secretary implies the gift of administration and sorting out, which is not evident in this member. Social secretary the same applies but more so. Assistant librarian doesn't sound thrilling. Musical director isn't even a starter. Nor First-aider. Treasurer is taken. FGH co-ordinator requires someone who lives there. Chapel steward? What do they do? AVA co-ordinator, outfitter co-ordinator. Don't fancy anything with co-ordinator in the title (and what does AVA stand for anyway?).

I need a job called "Troublemaker", "Firestarter", "Delegator", "Philosopher-king". Tell me about chapel steward again. Can you do it sitting down? Votes on Wednesday. Trust.

As one job opens, another closes. Last day at the Lunch Club as placement draws to a close. Nice people, some like a strong cup of tea, some like the tea-bag waved at it. You get to know people when you serve them dinner. Also coming to the end of my time as "preacher-teacher", as one group had it. This will be a wrench but also a relief in some ways. Jobs are about skills and gifts, and other people can have these too. I'm on my bike.


charity said...

Wy not go with (what I percieve to be) the whole point of foundation year - try something utterly different,descover whether you have unknown gifts; stand for Musical Director or AVA co-ordinator. Definately best to do something you know nothing about.
Chapel steward sounds like a sacristan which is interesting given your fear of ritual and liturgy!!
Do you have a bike?

Paul said...

By your logic, chapel steward should be perfect! (I'm not afraid of ritual and liturgy; I'm opposed to them.) The gift of musical director must be buried very deep. (And there is a candidiate for this one anyway.) On reflection, AVA probably stands for Audio-Visual aids. Might be worth a go if no-one else has bagged it.
I have a metaphorical bike.

charity said...

I know you're liberal but I didnt think you were apposed to biblical truths ! (lol) Mostly peopole use strong phrases like 'I am opposed' when they don't understand something.

Anonymous said...

AVA stands for Audio Visual Aids, a rather quaint 1960's term for technical support involving TV's , video, Overhead Projectors, flipcharts and the like. The correct term these days would be ICT Support Technician/Instructor/officer/Facillitator.

Information and

Paul said...

There you are calling me on my strong language again. Depends what you mean by Biblical truths - certainly both occur in the Bible, but does God always want them? What does Amos say?
Maybe I don't understand them. Feel free to explain.

Anonymous said...

AVA involes wheeling out the trollyfull of swithes leads and cd player and seeing to it that we don't get lots of whistles and unexpected radio broadcasts etc. Gary is always needing an assistant for which we regularly advertise - sorry u missed them. As regards Chapel steward the notice said to ask those currently in position - it is still open for someone to carry this thro to next academic year, as explained b4 it involves washing (and starching!) table cloths and purificators, checking wine supplies and possibly providing bread and laying up for fri am communion.
Pauline may well appreciate help with the 'boring' library job. there will be representative role coming up in sept thro which you may cause mayhem, also no one has done the coca cole notice.

Paul said...

Looks like I might still get a job (or two) then, despite losing the student president nomination.

Anonymous said...

indeed! absolutely no need to fret. the more you do the more we love you (apparently!) conversly the less you (are seen) to do the more trouble u get!!! - don't ask!

Paul said...

Er, thanks ... I think.

Anonymous said...

Aah! thats the problem - too much thinking!!
Have just read your theology (top of page) what do you mean 'and to come back' that is not part of the plan, its all about moving on (wards and upwards) see you in paradise..!

Paul said...

I expect to come back a different person. Too much thinking? No such thing.

Anonymous said...

thought one was supposed to 'pull back' from local churhc involvement during ones foundation year?
or are you teeling me that the course leaves you enough time to do both. Wish I could!
have given up teacher/preacher, communion steward, coffee rota, SMASH (junior church)and still haven't enough time to cram in the house work!

Paul said...

This is not local church involvement - this is jobs at the College. I have reduced other commitments - given up being pastoral vistor, District Tutor, off Plan for at least a quarter, and fellowship group leader. Hardly leaves me anything. Tutor agrees I can still play chess. Never do housework anyway.