Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I provoked my lecturer today. I have decided on my ecumenism essay which is about the Anglican-Methodist unity schemes and why they failed, and I suggested that I would present the argument that not only would it never happen, but that it would be a bad thing if it did - which I know he does not agree with. He was quite gracious about it actually and promised to find some reading material.

Of course I will need to review the evidence to see if it supports my feeling - otherwise it would be poor research. Too many organisations actually do this - think of a conclusion and then look for evidence to support it, (or sometimes not bother looking for evidence at all). One of these organisations is the Methodist Church and one is Ofsted.

So when is planning justified and when should you "just do it because you can"?


charity said...

well, there's unity and then there's uniformity - all churches should seek unity.

Paul said...

At what cost?

charity said...

I can see you are a half empty kind of a man!