The "preparation" seasons are easy: Lent is easy because it begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Day, and similarly Advent has a definite beginning and end.
Christmas lasts 12 days: you are supposed to put the tree up on Christmas Eve and take it down on Twelfth Night, the celebration of foolishness. In English culture this means Dec 24 to Jan 6.
I'm asking because I've just started my second (and last) Easter egg, although I still have the chocolate bars that go with them (three altogether - we had three eggs between us, each with two bars). If Easter lasts all the way to Ascension, as I suspect, I should have bought more eggs ....

according to maggi dawn - who you can get to via my blog its six weeks.
I think that's what I thought - and I think that is Ascension. 6 weeks of Easter balances 6 weeks of Lent. I definitely should have bought more eggs - and they all disappeared from the shops after Good Friday.
What else can I celebrate with?
tesco still has easter eggs- and they are cheaper now too!
or try christmas cake....(you started this christmas at easter thing!)
You didn't buy any eggs Stephie and I bought them at cadbury world at half term 3 for 2 offer (what a surprise!) You can finish off the pack of frys orange bars we got you or if you are quick you can still get hot cross buns.
I've eaten all the Christmas cake. Tesco might get a visit.
Ha ha - I'm loving the marital discussion via blog!!
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