We have a brand new answer phone. It has been really hard since the last one gave up the ghost. Did anyone phone? Have we missed anything important? (Particularly when you have always told folk "oh yes phone any time, leave a message we'll get it" etc.)
Of course no-one has left a message yet! Maybe while we didn't have one, they all gave up on us - but then we never got very many anyway; but enough and important enough so that I used to think that it was one of the most important bits of kit in the house, ahead of the telly, ahead of the CD player, way ahead of the Dyson (obviously) and rivalling the computer.
But it's nice to get the person you want without having to leave a message and waiting anxiously for the reply. And although you can have conversations by email, and I do, thay are not as instant.
Thank you Lord for always being available, not on the other line, or busy, or out. Thank you that I don't get placed in a queue and have to select the correct option. Thank you that you contact me without me having to take the initiative; for often I am lazy or fearful. Thank you that if I am out, you will keep trying and not just leave a message and wait for me to "get back to you".
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