Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A moving experience

So we got the last of the stuff (apart from a bit of rubbish left over - sorry) out of my mum's old house and brought it 250 miles to be put into store and eventually looked through and sorted/kept/junked/given away as appropriate. Don't hold your breath.

Which means that I will no longer go back to the house where I was brought up and which was my home for what still equates to half my life.

I thought I'd feel a bit more emotional about this significant moment; it hasn't been home for 15+ years but it's still a bit of a wrench - but not too bad. I thought about a picture, but not early enough to do it or bad enough to regret not doing it.

So maybe I kind of understand a little better the attachment people get to buildings - and I'm clearly thinking churches, of course. But maybe I still don't.

People move house all the time (well some people anyway - me I try to keep it to a minimum due to the stress and time involved) with little apparent regret. So why are churches so significant? Is it a symbol of stability in a changing world? I think it's the folk who don't have to look after them who get upset - those who do realise the need for change, as most people do with their own houses (redecorate, conservatory, water feature etc) Life moves on, surely? Perhaps it's guilt, like when someone dies and you hadn't visited them - change to an old building, or knocking it down, becomes a sort of death. I wonder if there are other meanings.

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