Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Be Sure Your Sins Will Find You Out

I need to post a warning. This comes also from my new favourite magazine.

In the September issue there was a feature article in which they reported on regressing couples to previous lives to see if they had had earlier connections - a soulmate thing.

One woman experienced several previous lives, and saw her (current) husband in a couple of them, although none in which they were a couple. In one of these lives, she reported seeing him having sex with a prostitute.

He didn't see his current wife at all in any previous life.



Anonymous said...

This is also why lying is wrong, it will come back round and bite you on the bum. Karma and all that. Catholic guilt not necessarily a bad thing.

Paul said...

Incidentally Spirit and Destiny has a large section on giving up smoking, why and how to do it.