Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I've been Quiet today.

All right, I know you won't believe me. But I've been at least Relatively Quiet. (OK, OK Slightly Less Noisy.) I can be quiet when I want to be. And sometimes when I'm told to.

Anyway, I've had a quiet think, a wander, a bit of a read, a gentle conversation and a ruminative chat in sunny cold Cheddar. A good day. Of course, any day ... I won't go there. I'm in too good a mood.

What did we think about?

The Why You Are, The Who You Are, and The Where You Are (I did skip the last bit.)

It does always help your mood when the leader presents opinions with which you are in sympathy. On the topic of ministry, we thought about what picture a pastor (carefully used term, here) can present of themself. And that it does not have to be one of aloofness, it can include vulnerability, imperfection and even a certain amount of er, ridicule isn't quite right but along those lines eg if you make a fool of yourself, you can admit it, it's OK.

I think that's right. There are times to be cool and collected, when you can and must hold yourself in when no-one else can, and there are times to show emotion - I prefer the term passionate to emotional, though. And even though a pastor should always be disinterested (never uninterested) that doesn't imply dispassionate.

It was pointed out that this may not be exactly mainstream theological college teaching.


I don't know if I've put this quite right, but hey.

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