I've been reminded why I am a Methodist. It's the strength and vitality given by Local Preachers.
Ralph came today and preached about prayer. He quoted Thomas a Kempes and Karl Barth and then told us in funny stories and words of one syllable what they meant. Five types of prayer which you can remember by looking at your hand.
Ralph came today and preached about prayer. He quoted Thomas a Kempes and Karl Barth and then told us in funny stories and words of one syllable what they meant. Five types of prayer which you can remember by looking at your hand.

Thumb reminds you of Thanksgiving you should offer
Forefinger reminds you of the Forgiveness you need
Inner finger reminds you of Intercession
Ring finger reminds you to ask Requests
Little finger reminds you to Listen.
Prayer is the relationship between man's impotence and God's omnipotence.
When Karl Barth was asked to sum up his faith he said "Jesus loves me this I know because the Bible tells me so".
God sometimes says "yes", sometimes "no" and sometimes "wait".
Ask the right question. Don't ask "Can I smoke while praying?", ask "Can I pray while smoking?"
And plenty more, but I shouldn't quote the whole thing (as if I could, the quantity of theology contained was fantastic) so Ralph can preach it again.
But the main thing was that it was all real. Even the speed prayer. (Short is good.)
I liked this, thanks Paul, nice comment about local preachers. So when is District, must be soon.
I liked this, thanks Paul, thinking of you as you prepare for District, when is it?
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