Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Careful what you wish for

A busy day, so a straightforward easy entry. Intercessory prayer.

God hears all prayer.
God answers all prayer.
If you believe that God has answered "no", you don't understand what "yes" means.
If you believe God has answered "yes", then you have to ask yourself in turn what He wants you to do about it. (Hence the title - album by Texas.)

Linda and I agreed on the phone the other day, and endorsed by Nick Cave on my car stereo today,
"I don't believe in an interventionist God." (In Your Arms - Greatest Hits)
Nor that God micro-manages all the time, nor that He is a sleeping giant to be prodded awake.

So perhaps not as easy as all that. And that's without considering, as we did today, that Muslims pray too. But do they pray for God to act? And what can faith achieve? If I pray for X to be safe, can I be assured that they will be?

1 comment:

charity said...

You can be assuredthat you have raised your concern for x to God, and you can hope that God will help that person to find a way to be safe.
I think God already intervened - wasnt it that Jesus bloke?