Saturday, April 08, 2006

Summoned by bells

I won't normally be posting reports on my day or adverts on this blog, but here is something I came across today.

While in the centre of Bristol, on business not unconnected with the church, the bells of Bristol Cathedral began pealing and since I'd paid for the car park, I took a few minutes to find out why. When I got there I discovered they have an exhibition: 12 pieces of art about the Passion, hung in the aisles. I didn't have long enough to give it the time it deserves, but it looks fabulous - so I recommend you go. I'm guessing it won't be up much longer given the theme, so hurry. I hope to try again in the next week.
Don't ask the nice lady in the shop about the "exhibition booklet" because no-one's told her anything about it - she had to come out to find what people were calling in and asking her for.

As my prayer contribution I played "A Wonderful Time Up There" at full blast on the car stereo as I drove away. Only slightly spoilt by the fact that the following track was Ian Dury's classic "Sweet Gene Vincent". Oh, the bells - they were nothing to do with the exhibition but part of the Brunel celebrations. Funny how things work out.

I now add art and music to the list of topics I need to think about.

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