Monday, June 19, 2006


This is a story about a man who used to take stones and use them to make little cairns. He spent quite some time learning and practising and became quite good at it. People used to admire his little cairns, for they were carefully constructed, and even sometimes they made special trips to see them. He even taught other people to construct them and they became quite good too, for he could explain the techniques involved. And lots of people liked the cairns even though they were so numerous.

But he became aware that the cairns were at heart all the same even though they could be painted differently. So he enquired and discovered that there were other shapes that could be made. Someone showed him how to make a pyramid, and then a wall, and someone else showed him smaller versions and finally he saw that you could make attractive patterns out of the stones without all the complications of building. And suddenly he didn't want to make any more cairns. But that was what he was good at. So what did he do?


charity said...

If someone likes making cairns then it is God who helps them like cairns and so this means they are still useful and important and maybe the man just has to find a new way of liking making them, or to find that god wants him to climb a mountain before building another cairn.

Paul said...

Yes, that could be it. But it's near impossible to create anything if your heart's not in it.

We need to know whether there was any need for any more cairns. Maybe the answer is at the top of the mountain.