Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The love that dare not speak its name

In musical terms this is progressive rock (prog). Prog hasn't been cool since 1967. John Peel said ELP were "a waste of electricity". He was (as quite often) wrong. (I'm not a fan of Genesis, Yes, Marillion, though.)

But since Q has this month a feature on "guilty pleasures" (things that you like, that are good even though they aren't cool) I admit to buying the greatest hits of Focus. Double CD. No vocals (apart from the yodelling). Eight minute keyboard solos. Intricate guitar work. Fantastic. So you don't want it all the time, but sometimes it's great.

Sometimes you like simplicity as well. Also acquired this weekend The Bravery (self-titled album). Like The Strokes with keyboards, Keane with a backbeat (and better obviously). An Honest Mistake is obviously the best track but the rest grows on you.

Where was I?

Guilty pleasures in worship?


charity said...

childhood hymns such as 'what a friend' not for the theology but becuase of the evocative nature of memory.

Paul said...

The three-point sermon in which each section has a one-word title each of which begins with the same letter. (Long time since I did one of those. Hmmm.)