Sunday, November 19, 2006


This is a prayer for all mothers everywhere, those who want to be mothers, those who expect to be mothers.

For those who find motherhood exciting,
May every day be joyful and bring new riches and challenges.
For those who find motherhood tiring,
May you be daily refreshed and excited.
For those who find motherhood frustrating, unrewarding, dispiriting,
May you see in a new way the days, the hope, the possibility.
For those who find motherhood bewildering,
Take heart for many have gone before you. Be excited. Enjoy the experience.
For those who want to be mothers,
God is looking after you. God bless you. Others feel for you.
For those preparing to be mothers,
Your sisters support you. Be encouraged.
For new mothers,
Feel confident in the support around you. Love and receive love.
For mothers who feel no longer necessary,
Remember what you have given, how you have loved, and help others. Share.
For all of you,
There is always more. May you always feel God close, guiding you, comforting you, holding you.

For those who are not mothers, who do not want to be mothers, who cannot be mothers,
Life is full of richness. May you find it.

This is a poor prayer, but the best I can do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its a lovely prayer, thank you.