Monday, January 22, 2007

The Church Prays for Colombia

This is a slightly expanded version of an article under the above title to be published in the new issue of Frontline Latin America, out shortly.

Last Tuesday, members of Wesley College added their prayers to the work being done to expose and combat intimidation and exploitation in Colombia in a short service of thanksgiving and intercession.
The service began with a recollection of slavery by way of a reading of Psalm 137 and a rendition of “Swing Low Sweet Chariot”, and celebrated the bicentenary of the Anti-Slavery Act.
Next followed a reflection on modern trafficking and a recitation of a litany of empowerment, and then as part of a meditation on current oppression, staff and students of the Methodist theological college stood in silence as the names were read of 8 murdered trade union leaders from Colombian Coca-Cola bottling plants.
After prayers were offered for the men and their families and for a quick end to the intolerable practices in Colombia, the service concluded with the Lord’s Prayer.

If anyone wants to get a copy of FLA, then I can put you in touch easily.

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