Thursday, March 01, 2007

Bad Manners

Now then. There was I thinking that if you spotted a flaw or a weakness in, or a mistake made by, a Christian brother, the pastorally sensitive and caring thing to do would be to quietly and directly let them know without embarrassing them in front of their peers, so that they can get on and correct their mistake.

Instead it seems that the correct thing to do is to get a third person, who is not and should not be involved, and indeed who has no business knowing, to do it (and also thereby to embarrass that third person). Somewhat unprofessional, it seems to me.

It is particularly important to be sensitive when you do not have all the facts. These should always be carefully checked before you "go public".

Of course, making direct contact also enables you to be helpful. Clearly this is not something a Christian needs to be bothered about either.

It seems I am learning all the time.

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