Sunday, June 26, 2011

Long Time Growing

In the beginning, there was nothing, no time, no space, no matter. Absolutely nothing at all.

Then very suddenly there was something. And this something was formless and although it filled the space, that is only because the new space was unimaginably* small.

And then in an unimaginably* small instant, space expanded unimaginably*, and the energy (for that is what had filled the space) began to take form – although in a very primitive way. And the space was still very small and time had barely started. You might say it was a new phase.

And the echoes of these events are still seen today, by those who seek.

And a long time later the small nearly formless pieces began to combine together into units that made bits of matter, and bigger bits of matter, and into what we see today. Because by now there was a lot of space in which this could happen. And it could be considered to be the next phase.

And an unimaginably* much longer time later, creatures developed, and some of them developed into mankind. But mankind did not know how it had happened. And they used to make up stories about it because they did not know. And this was another phase.

And some said these events did not need a God to be present for them to have happened. But some believed in God nonetheless. (Even though it became unfashionable.)

* some texts say incomprehensibly

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