Thursday, March 16, 2006

We do not always agree

Two discussions today with that theme.

Two of us discussed the Ash Wednesday service on the 1st which I felt uncomfortable and upset about; partly because everyone else seemed to be happy with it. Was I just being awkward and selfish? Now I learn that a number of others share at least similar reservations - and took part to the limit of their strength. Clearly some value it (or presumably we wouldn't have had it), and there will be another one next year, at least in some format. I have worried whether I should apply for a dispensation next year. Others presumably did not this year.

At Circuit Meeting we discussed the Methodist Church's thoughts on sexuality, and the attempts made to genuinely hear all sides in order to make a statement. Society is divided still on this one, so unsurprisingly our Church is, and so was the Circuit Meeting. The resolutions passed in 1993 are contradictory. They are not being changed; they are not even under consideration.

If the Church took a view, any view, the point was made, then some would be excluded and rejected. Therefore it is good that the Church does not take a view; it lives with the contradictions as best it can. In this way all can be invited to receive God's love.

If all services were designed so that no-one could ever be offended or upset then they would be dull beyond belief. Some services we will enjoy; some we will find difficult. So it is all right, it is necessary, to have services such as Ash Wednesday. And for me to be asked to attend.

Pray for me that I can go next year and take something from it. (I still don't want to.)

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