Tuesday, December 05, 2006


A mondegreen is the part in a song where what you hear is not quite what the lyrics are supposed to say. The name comes from an old folk song, whose exact title and quote I don't recall (it's something about a group who killed Lord someone and Lady Mondegreen)

As an example, here is a picture of Jimi Hendrix performing Purple Haze singing "'Scuse me while I kiss this guy" - listen to it again and you'll see what I mean.
(This used to be a popular feature in Never Mind the Buzzcocks. Maybe still is.)

You get them in hymns too. A particular favourite of mine is the one about what God does to the stabling arrangements for the Great Giraffe.
You know: "He is trampling on the village where the Great Giraffe is stored .."

Contributions invited.


Anonymous said...

My favourite hymn line is the one where we are exhorted to follow Julie, who is she?

Paul said...

And from a prayer we learn another name - "Harold be thy name".